In her music, there were no compromises, no tactical manoeuvres, no conscious efforts to capture attention, no sacrifice of quality at the altar of showmanship and no stooping to thrill, but only striving to elevate. If she had stridden like a colossus in the scene of Indian music all these years, it is because she inhaled music with every breath that she took. To her, music was not merely an art form that requires dedication, commitment and involvement. There can be no better illustration of the third category than M.S. It is often said that there are some who start at the bottom and remain at the bottom, others start from the bottom and rise to credible levels, but it is given to only a chosen few to begin at the top and continue to stay there at the top. She has given unmitigated joy to so many for so long. Subbulakshmi, the embodiment of music, is perhaps the most charismatic artiste of our times, who held centre stage for more than 60 years. Chakravarthy,IAS(Retd.), in his Welcome address on 2nd Nov. SICA dedicates its 57th Annual Art Festival-2015 to Carnatic Music Legend Bharat Ratna Smt. Kanyakumari, the violinist and the Artist of the day who has been conferred with Sangeetha Saraswathi title by SICA. He later described the popularity of Kum. Later in his inaugural address Sri Narasimhan praised the greatness of Bharat Ratna Smt. His Excellency, The Governor Sri E.S.L.Narasimhan has inaugurated the 57th Annual Art Festival by lighting the lamp on 2nd November 2015 at Ravindra Bharathi.